The Ultimate Guide to Studying in in 2025

With EDMUNDO you can access 12 universities in
Universities 12
Programs 3,080
Int. students 67,806
Students 267,160
Academic staff 7,452

Why should you choose to be a student in ?

Recunoaștere mondială

Australia are a treia cea mai mare populatie de studenti internationali din lume, dupa USA si UK. Licentele universitare obtinute la una din universitatile din Australia sunt recunoscute peste tot in lume. La aceasta se adauga si faptul ca sistemul Australian de educatie superioara este controlat de catre guvernul federal Australian, ceea ce inseamna ca guvernul Australian supervizeaza toate universitatile Australiene in fiecare an pentru a se convinge ca isi mentin standardele ridicate. Acest lucru da un plus de siguranta oricarui student care alege Australia ca si destinatie pentru completarea studiilor.


Un lucru important de considerat, este faptul ca o calificare obtinuta in Australia fac un student foarte atractiv pentru angajatori. Unii angajatori aleg sa recruteze direct din universitatile si colegiile Australieni, viitori angajati. Motivul principal este faptul ca universitatile Australiene lucreaza la dezvoltarea cursurilor oferite impreuna cu industria specifica fiecarui curs, punand in balanta teoria si practica pentru a pregati studentul pentru cariera aleasa.

Taxe și modalități de finanțare

Dacă te tentează ideea studiilor în Australia dar te îngrijorează taxele de școlarizare, ar trebui să știi că studii recente au arătat că Australia este mai puțin scumpă decât USA sau chiar UK. Costul mic al dolarului australian comparativ cu dolarul american și moneda EURO face ca unele programe să fie accesibile studenților internaționali. Taxele de școlarizare variază în funcție de cursul ales sau de universitatea unde te vei înrola.


Universitatile Australiene ofera o varietate de cursuri, fiind astfel usor pentru student sa gaseasca un curs potrivit pentru el. Multi studenti Australieni gasesc in universitatile Australiene cursuri care ofera ceva unic, rar de gasit in alte locatii, cum ar fi creativitate, inovatie si tendinta de a se incuraja gandirea analitica independenta. Faptul acesta aduce inspiratie si improspateaza talentele multor studenti internationali.

Curriculum modern

Profesorii universitari se intalnesc cu liderii din industriile specifice, pentru a revizui curriculum-ul si a iesi pe piata cu noi cursuri cu un continut relevant pentru studenti, ceea ce face sa absolventul sa fie unul de top in industria in care a ales sa practice.

12 institutions to choose from in

251 - 300 World Wide Ranking
Partner University

Bond University (Gold Coast)

As Australia’s first private non-profit university, Bond University seeks to be recognised internationally as a leading independent university, imbued with a spirit to innovate, a commitment to influence and a dedication to inspire tomorrow’s professionals who share a personalised and...
9 available
351 - 400 World Wide Ranking
Partner University

Charles Darwin University (Alice Springs)

CDU has been recognised as a global leader by independent rankings and our reputation ensures your qualifications are recognised by employers and other institutions throughout the world.
31 available
1001 - 1200 World Wide Ranking
Partner University

Charles Sturt University (Online)

The mission of Charles Sturt University is to build skills and knowledge in our regions. We offer choice and flexibility to students and work hand-in-hand with our industries and communities in teaching, research and engagement.
46 available
251 - 300 World Wide Ranking
Partner University

Deakin University (Multiple locations)

Deakin University offers a personalised experience, enhanced by innovative digital engagement. We lead by creating opportunities to live and work in a connected, evolving world.
105 available
351 - 400 World Wide Ranking
Partner University

Edith Cowan University (Joondalup)

At ECU we are guided by our values of integrity, respect, rational inquiry and personal excellence. Our focus on teaching and research is inspired by engagement and partnerships with those in the many communities we were established to serve.
84 available
251 - 300 World Wide Ranking
Partner University

Griffith University (Southport)

Griffith University is committed to providing international students with quality education, and support to ensure they get the most out of their Australian experience. With six campuses located in sunny Queensland, including a growing digital campus, more than 200 degrees,...
76 available
351 - 400 World Wide Ranking
Partner University

James Cook University (Multiple locations)

One of the world’s leading institutions focusing on the tropics, JCU is surrounded by the spectacular ecosystems of the rainforests of the Wet tropics, the dry savannahs, and the iconic Great Barrier Reef. Our unique location enables students from Australia...
41 available
251 - 300 World Wide Ranking
Partner University

La Trobe University (Melbourne)

La Trobe University is a university known for making a positive difference in the lives of our students, partners and communities. We will become an even more valued and relevant university because of the way we respond to their needs...
53 available
175 World Wide Ranking
Partner University

Macquarie University (Sydney)

At Macquarie University we do things a little differently. We’ve always challenged conventions, opening our doors to students no matter who they are or where they come from. We embrace all points of view and we’ll encourage you to question...
65 available
53 World Wide Ranking
Partner University

University of Queensland (Brisbane)

The University of Queensland (UQ) is one of Australia’s leading research and teaching institutions. UQ strives for excellence through the creation, preservation, transfer and application of knowledge. For more than a century, we have educated and worked with outstanding people...
231 available
601 - 800 World Wide Ranking
Partner University

University of the Sunshine Coast (Sippy Downs)

The University of the Sunshine Coast (UniSC) is a modern and fast-growing public university. UniSC’s main campus is located in Sippy Downs on Queensland’s Sunshine Coast.
66 available
501 - 600 World Wide Ranking
Partner University

Victoria University (Melbourne)

For more than 100 years, Victoria University (VU) has offered accessible education to students in Melbourne’s west and beyond. Victoria University aims to continue creating positive outcomes for education, industry and our community into the future.
49 available

Why apply with EDMUNDO?

Active Community

You will have access to the wider EDMUNDO community of young people who study abroad and this will allow you to find out detailed information about their international personal and academic experience and even make friends with your future university colleagues.

Personalized Counseling

Working with an EDMUNDO counsellor will enable you to find the programmes and universities that best match your academic and career objectives. Counsellors are equipped with comprehensive knowledge about the educational systems and are prepared to answer all of your questions.

Top Application File

EDMUNDO counsellors master all the information and the best practices needed to guide you and help you prepare a strong application file that will maximize your chances of being admitted to your chosen universities, while closely observing all requirements and deadlines.

Constant Support

Vei lucra cu un profesionist dedicat pe parcursul întregului proces de admitere la universitățile internaționale. Consilierul tău EDMUNDO va fi alături de tine din faza de cercetare universitară, îndrumându-te în depunerea cererilor complete și în timp util și sprijin constant în pașii următori.

Why you should become an international student?

Profitable Investment

Studying abroad in a well-recognized university with academic programmes focusing primarily on practice and relevant industry partnerships will better prepare you to become a successful professional, all this translating into a positive return on your educational investment.

Unique Experience

As an international student in an international campus you will live memorable academic and life experiences. You will have around you students from all over the world, experiencing different cultures, exploring academic and career opportunities while also having tons of fun!

Personal Development

The application process, the academic experience, communicating in a foreign language with people from all over the world and managing your life in a foreign country will make you a well-rounded and responsible individual.

Quality Education

Top worldwide educational systems place a lot of emphasis on the employability of their graduates and student performance is their most important performance indicator. Therefore, universities are well equipped and teaching relies mainly on the application of knowledge.

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