The Ultimate Guide to Studying in in 2025

With EDMUNDO you can access 22 universities in

Friendly and safe environment with a wide variety of study programs

Universities 22
Programs 3,751
Int. students 10,830
Students 55,393
Academic staff 2,324

Why should you choose to be a student in ?

Educație și facilități de top

Dublin a fost numit al 6-lea cel mai preietenos oraș din lume (Big 7 Travel 2019), iar în momentul actual Irlanda se mândrește cu peste 32.000 de studenți internaționali atrași de calitatea universitatiilor irlandeze, profesorii bine pregătiți și diversitatea programelor conform Irish Universities Association.

Taxe de școlarizare

Deși ca sistem de predare Irlanda și Marea Britanie sunt foarte asemănătoare, este mult mai ieftin să studiezi în Irlanda, acum că Marea Britanie a ieșit din Uniunea Europeană. În Irlanda taxele de studiu sunt situație intre 5400 și 8000 de EUR pe an și poți beneficia de împrumutul de la FINS pentru a-ți acoperi o parte din cheltuieli.

Programe de studiu

Instituțiile de învățământ superior din Irlanda au peste 5.000 de cursuri oferite pe toată gama de medicină, știință, tehnologie, inginerie, afaceri, drept, limbi, literatură, istorie, filozofie, psihologie, sociologie și alte științe umane, precum și arte creative, vizuale și ale spectacolului.

Sistem Educațional

În 2010, Lonely Planet a numit Irlanda ca fiind cea mai prietenoasă țară din lume iar in 2014 a ocupat locul 13 în Europa în ceea ce privește siguranța cetățenilor.

Surse de finanțare – FINS

FINS este singurul serviciu de finanțare din România care oferă credite de studiu de până la 25.000 EUR pentru programele de licență și de până la 18.000 EUR pentru programele de masterat. Împrumutul FINS are un program de rambursare flexibil și poate acoperi: taxa de școlarizare (integral sau parțial), chiria, cheltuielile lunare, echipamentele de care este nevoie la studii (laptop, etc.). Procesul de aplicare este simplu, iar consilierii EDMUNDO te pot ghida pe durata întregului proces.

Rată de angajabilitate ridicată

Conform unui studiu al Irish Universities Association din 2020, 78% dintre absolvenții din anul 2018 erau angajați sau urmau să începă contractul de muncă în 9 luni de la absolvire, iar 16% își continuau studiile post-universitare. Doar 3% dintre absolvenții de licență erau în căutarea unui loc de muncă la 9 luni de la absolvire, ceea ce face că sistemul de învățământ superior din Irlanda să fie foarte valoros în pregătirea tinerelor talente și forței de muncă atractive pentru companii.

22 institutions to choose from in

Partner University

Dublin Business School (Dublin)

Dublin Business School (DBS) specialises in the provision of career focused business and law education as well as the delivery of contemporary programmes in the areas of arts, media, social science, humanities and psychology.
56 available
Partner University

Institute of Technology Carlow (Carlow)

Institute of Technology Carlow is an autonomous Institute , established unde Irish legislation.
134 available
198 World Wide Ranking
Partner University

Queen’s University Belfast (Belfast)

Founded in 1845 as Queen’s College Belfast, we became an independent university in 1908. Today, we are ranked 85 in the world (Times Higher Education Impact Rankings 2022), and a member of the Russell Group of UK research intensive universities,...
728 available
601 - 800 World Wide Ranking
Partner University

University of Limerick (Limerick)

The University of Limerick is a leading institution known for outstanding research based in the heart of Ireland. The University of Limerick is a leading institution known for outstanding research and is based in the heart of Ireland. UL has...
164 available

American College Dublin (Dublin)

Located on Merrion Square, in the heart of Ireland’s capital city, American College Dublin offers an outstanding post-secondary education at the bachelor’s and master’s levels in liberal arts, performing arts, creative writing, international business, accounting and finance, hospitality management and...
8 available

Carlow College (Carlow)

If you’re looking for somewhere different to attend college, somewhere that will welcome and challenge you, somewhere you will grow as a person and have fun along the way, you need to think beyond, you need to think about Carlow...
6 available
401 - 500 World Wide Ranking

Dublin City University (Dublin)

At DCU you can gain an internationally recognised qualification while living in a friendly, vibrant city. And we’ll make sure you feel welcomed — 20% of our 18,000+ students are international so we know how to support you.
116 available

IBAT College Dublin (Dublin)

IBAT College (the Institute of Business and Technology) is based in Ireland and was established in 2004 in Swords, North Dublin. In 2011, the university expanded with a new state-of-the-art campus in the heart of the city centre.
3 available

Marino Institute of Education (Dublin)

Marino Institute of Education is a unique third-level education environment with a singular focus on education. At Marino, students and staff are members of a dynamic teaching and learning community who support one another in the service of a common...
1 available

Why apply with EDMUNDO?

Active Community

You will have access to the wider EDMUNDO community of young people who study abroad and this will allow you to find out detailed information about their international personal and academic experience and even make friends with your future university colleagues.

Personalized Counseling

Working with an EDMUNDO counsellor will enable you to find the programmes and universities that best match your academic and career objectives. Counsellors are equipped with comprehensive knowledge about the educational systems and are prepared to answer all of your questions.

Top Application File

EDMUNDO counsellors master all the information and the best practices needed to guide you and help you prepare a strong application file that will maximize your chances of being admitted to your chosen universities, while closely observing all requirements and deadlines.

Constant Support

Vei lucra cu un profesionist dedicat pe parcursul întregului proces de admitere la universitățile internaționale. Consilierul tău EDMUNDO va fi alături de tine din faza de cercetare universitară, îndrumându-te în depunerea cererilor complete și în timp util și sprijin constant în pașii următori.

Quick breakdown of costs for studying in

Average cost: per month
Average job income: per month
Accomodation range500€ - 1200€
Other costs150€
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Why you should become an international student?

Profitable Investment

Studying abroad in a well-recognized university with academic programmes focusing primarily on practice and relevant industry partnerships will better prepare you to become a successful professional, all this translating into a positive return on your educational investment.

Unique Experience

As an international student in an international campus you will live memorable academic and life experiences. You will have around you students from all over the world, experiencing different cultures, exploring academic and career opportunities while also having tons of fun!

Personal Development

The application process, the academic experience, communicating in a foreign language with people from all over the world and managing your life in a foreign country will make you a well-rounded and responsible individual.

Quality Education

Top worldwide educational systems place a lot of emphasis on the employability of their graduates and student performance is their most important performance indicator. Therefore, universities are well equipped and teaching relies mainly on the application of knowledge.

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