The Ultimate Guide to Studying in in 2025

With EDMUNDO you can access 25 universities in
Universities 25
Programs 587
Int. students 3,916
Students 38,052
Academic staff 2,028

Why should you choose to be a student in ?

Educație și facilități de top

Sistemul educațional din Finlanda este considerat unul dintre cele mai eficiente din lume, fiind adaptat cerințelor secolului prezent. Studii universitare sunt oferite la un nivel foarte înalt, tinerii fiind pregătiți atât pe plan academic, cât și pentru viitorul lor, punându-se accent pe competențe practice și pe dezvoltarea unor aptitudini de care este nevoie astăzi.

Taxe de școlarizare

În Finlanda, studenţii străini au acces la facultăţile de aici fără să achite taxe de studiu dacă vin din state membre UE. Atât în cazul procesului educaţional, cât şi în ceea ce priveşte cazarea în căminele studenţeşti sau activităţi extracuriculare, studenţii beneficiază și de un program de consiliere și sprijin din partea universităților.

Programe de studiu

Câteva din programele pe care le poți studia în Finlanda sunt: Economic Studies, Business,Science, Engineering and Technology

Sistem Educațional

Există două tipuri de instituții de învățământ superior în Finlanda – universitățile și institute politehnice. Universitățile oferă o educație academică, accentul fiind pus pe cunoștințele teoretice iar în cadrul institutelor politehnice, instruirea are drept scop obținerea de cunoștințe practice și abilități necesare pentru a lucra într-o anumită zonă

Surse de finanțare – FINS

FINS este singurul serviciu de finanțare din România care oferă credite de studiu de până la 25.000 EUR pentru programele de licență și până la 18.000 EUR pentru programele de masterat. Împrumutul FINS are un program de rambursare flexibil și îți poate acoperi: taxa de școlarizare (integral sau parțial), chiria, cheltuielile lunare, echipamentele de care ai nevoie pentru studii. Procesul de aplicare este simplu, iar consilierii EDMUNDO te pot ghida în întreg procesul.

25 institutions to choose from in

Partner University

LUT University (Lappeenranta)

Lappeenranta-Lahti University of Technology LUT (LUT University) is a public science university in Finland, bringing together the fields of science and business since 1969. Our international community is comprised of 6,500 students and experts engaged in scientific research and academic...
15 available
Partner University

SeAMK – Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences (Seinäjoki)

Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences is a multidisciplinary institution of higher education and an efficient actor in education and research, development and innovation (RDI) in the region of South Ostrobothnia in West Finland.
11 available
Partner University

South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences (Mikkeli)

Are you interested in practical learning? Would you like to study in modern facilities with top-class teachers? Are you attracted to new ways of teaching and learning? If you said yes, South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences – Xamk –...
14 available
201 - 250 World Wide Ranking

Aalto University (Helsinki)

Aalto University is where science and art meet technology and business. We are an international community, working on top research, art and education. Join us in changing the world!
15 available

Arcada University of Applied Sciences (Helsinki)

Arcada is a multi-professional University of Applied Sciences in Finland. At Arcada high level research with societal impact meets lifelong learning within all our areas of expertise; Business management and analytics, Energy and materials technology, Health and welfare, Culture and...
6 available
1 available

Diaconia University of Applied Sciences (Helsinki)

Diak is Finland’s largest provider of UAS-level education in social work. We also offer education in health care, diaconia and interpreting. According to our students, studying at Diak gives them opportunities to make the world a better place and helps...
2 available

Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences (Porvoo)

Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences is a strongly business orientated university of applied sciences in Finland. Through education, research and development, we prepare professionals for business and services. We focus on co-operation, entrepreneurship, innovation and internationality.
17 available

Häme University of Applied Sciences (Hämeenlinna)

Häme University of Applied Sciences, HAMK is an international, active and modern institution located in southern Finland. Our long history dating back to 1840 has enabled us to become a competitive, modern university with internationally recognised teaching quality
19 available

Kajaani University of Applied Sciences (Kajaani)

Kajaani University of Applied Sciences (KAMK) is a proactive, genuinely international university in central Finland with a very strong reputation regionally and nationally.
9 available

Why apply with EDMUNDO?

Active Community

You will have access to the wider EDMUNDO community of young people who study abroad and this will allow you to find out detailed information about their international personal and academic experience and even make friends with your future university colleagues.

Personalized Counseling

Working with an EDMUNDO counsellor will enable you to find the programmes and universities that best match your academic and career objectives. Counsellors are equipped with comprehensive knowledge about the educational systems and are prepared to answer all of your questions.

Top Application File

EDMUNDO counsellors master all the information and the best practices needed to guide you and help you prepare a strong application file that will maximize your chances of being admitted to your chosen universities, while closely observing all requirements and deadlines.

Constant Support

Vei lucra cu un profesionist dedicat pe parcursul întregului proces de admitere la universitățile internaționale. Consilierul tău EDMUNDO va fi alături de tine din faza de cercetare universitară, îndrumându-te în depunerea cererilor complete și în timp util și sprijin constant în pașii următori.

Quick breakdown of costs for studying in

Average cost: per month
Average job income: per month
Accomodation range400€ - 700€
Other costs150€
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Why you should become an international student?

Profitable Investment

Studying abroad in a well-recognized university with academic programmes focusing primarily on practice and relevant industry partnerships will better prepare you to become a successful professional, all this translating into a positive return on your educational investment.

Unique Experience

As an international student in an international campus you will live memorable academic and life experiences. You will have around you students from all over the world, experiencing different cultures, exploring academic and career opportunities while also having tons of fun!

Personal Development

The application process, the academic experience, communicating in a foreign language with people from all over the world and managing your life in a foreign country will make you a well-rounded and responsible individual.

Quality Education

Top worldwide educational systems place a lot of emphasis on the employability of their graduates and student performance is their most important performance indicator. Therefore, universities are well equipped and teaching relies mainly on the application of knowledge.

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