The Ultimate Guide to Studying in
in 2025
High-quality, interactive and student-oriented education
The Netherlands is a perfect match for international students seeking an enriching study abroad experience. This captivating country boasts a myriad of advantages, including its diverse population, plethora of English-taught degrees, and world-class higher education.
Why should you choose to be a student in ?
Top Education & Facilities
Many Dutch universities are now at the top of European academic rankings and more than three quarters have entirely new campuses, due to massive financial investments over the past few years.
Affordable tuition fees
Higher education in the Netherlands is very accessible as annual tuition fees for students from an EU country are €2,601 per year and they can even be covered by the Dutch governmental loan which is paid back after graduation, depending on income.
Entirely English-taught
The Netherlands offers the highest number of English-taught programmes compared to the total number of Dutch universities and it is home to the best non-native English speakers in the world.
International environment
Due to its geographical position and to the high number of English-language degrees, the Netherlands is the meeting point for various cultures, rendering an academic experience truly international.
Innovative teaching
The Netherlands is among the top 20 best economic systems of the world while the Dutch educational system is renowned for its emphasis on innovative and problem-solving learning methods.
Binary system
Depending on the type of education provided, the Dutch universities are organized in two categories of institutions: Research Universities (academic setting) and Universities of Applied Sciences (practice oriented).
institutions to choose from in

Avans University of Applied Sciences (Breda)


EIT InnoEnergy Master School (Eindhoven)

Fontys University of Applied Sciences (Eindhoven)

HAN University of Applied Sciences (Nijmegen)

Hanze University of Applied Sciences, Groningen (Groningen)

HU University of Applied Sciences Utrecht (Utrecht)

HZ University of Applied Sciences (Vlissingen)

Inholland University of Applied Sciences (Amsterdam)

NHL Stenden University of Applied Sciences (Leeuwarden)

Radboud University (Nijmegen)

Rotterdam Business School ()
Why apply with EDMUNDO?
Active Community
Active Community
You will have access to the wider EDMUNDO community of young people who study abroad and this will allow you to find out detailed information about their international personal and academic experience and even make friends with your future university colleagues.
Personalized Counseling
Personalized Counseling
Working with an EDMUNDO counsellor will enable you to find the programmes and universities that best match your academic and career objectives. Counsellors are equipped with comprehensive knowledge about the educational systems and are prepared to answer all of your questions.
Top Application File
Top Application File
EDMUNDO counsellors master all the information and the best practices needed to guide you and help you prepare a strong application file that will maximize your chances of being admitted to your chosen universities, while closely observing all requirements and deadlines.
Constant Support
Constant Support
Vei lucra cu un profesionist dedicat pe parcursul întregului proces de admitere la universitățile internaționale. Consilierul tău EDMUNDO va fi alături de tine din faza de cercetare universitară, îndrumându-te în depunerea cererilor complete și în timp util și sprijin constant în pașii următori.
Quick breakdown of costs for studying in
Why you should become an international student?
Profitable Investment
Profitable Investment
Studying abroad in a well-recognized university with academic programmes focusing primarily on practice and relevant industry partnerships will better prepare you to become a successful professional, all this translating into a positive return on your educational investment.
Unique Experience
Unique Experience
As an international student in an international campus you will live memorable academic and life experiences. You will have around you students from all over the world, experiencing different cultures, exploring academic and career opportunities while also having tons of fun!

Personal Development
Personal Development
The application process, the academic experience, communicating in a foreign language with people from all over the world and managing your life in a foreign country will make you a well-rounded and responsible individual.
Quality Education
Quality Education
Top worldwide educational systems place a lot of emphasis on the employability of their graduates and student performance is their most important performance indicator. Therefore, universities are well equipped and teaching relies mainly on the application of knowledge.
Learn about
The Netherlands offers high-quality education and exceptional value for your investment. Recognized worldwide, Dutch Higher Education stands tall, while tuition fees and living expenses remain comparatively lower than in English-speaking countries. The society’s international-mindedness and English fluency make foreigners feel genuinely welcomed throughout the country.
Moreover, Dutch universities boast high global rankings and are renowned for their outstanding Business, Engineering, Law, and Medical schools. The country’s expertise extends to specialized fields like Water Resource Management, Engineering, and technology-related disciplines. Whether your interests lie in traditional disciplines like Law or contemporary subjects like Cybersecurity, the Netherlands undoubtedly offers a suitable and enjoyable academic journey for every student.