The Ultimate Guide to Studying in in 2025

With EDMUNDO you can access 25 universities in

Swedish universities work to prepare you for a successful future career

Universities 25
Programs 1,121
Int. students 19,108
Students 151,294
Academic staff 15,101

Why should you choose to be a student in ?

Taxe de școlarizare

Studenții internaționali din tări membre ale Uniunii Europene nu plătesc taxe de școlarizare pentru învățământul superior în universitățile suedeze. În plus, dacă ai un job, dar simți că salariul nu îți acoperă toate cheltuielile, poți beneficia de ajutorul studențesc CSN (Centrala studiestödsnämnden). Acesta susține studenții care lucrează în timpul facultății, oferindu-le pe lângă salariul lor, max.265 €/ lună.

Programe de studiu

Universitățile suedeze au o varietate largă de programe de studiu predate integral în limba engleză, suedezii clasându-se în mod constant printre primii trei vorbitori non-nativi de limba engleză din lume. Majoritatea programelor oferite sunt în sfera ingineriei și a domeniului economic (business, marketing, management, etc), motiv pentru care, pentru licență, sunt foarte puține programe la care sunt eligibili și cei de la profilul Filologie.

Sistem Educațional

Sistemul suedez de învățământ superior oferă un mediu de învățare antrenant și deschis, unde accentul se pune pe învățarea colaborativă, gândirea critică, creativitate și inovație.

Deși sistemul de învățământ suedez nu are taxe de școlarizare pentru studenții europeni, acesta este considerat unul dintre cele mai performante din lume, concentrându-se pe nevoile studenților și încurajând dezvoltarea de talente și abilități.

Surse de finanțare – FINS

FINS este singurul serviciu de finanțare din România care oferă credite de studiu de până la 25.000 EUR pentru programele de licență și de masterat. Împrumutul FINS are un program de rambursare flexibil și îți poate acoperi: taxa de școlarizare (integral sau parțial), chiria, cheltuielile lunare, echipamentele de care ai nevoie pentru studii. Procesul de aplicare este simplu, iar consilierii EDMUNDO te pot ghida în întreg procesul.

25 institutions to choose from in

601 - 800 World Wide Ranking
Partner University

Jönköping University (Jönköping)

Jönköping University has around 10,000 students, of which 1,500 are international students. The university is one of the top universities in international student exchange and among the best in Sweden in terms of attracting international students.
16 available
Partner University

University West (Trollhättan)

5 available

BI Norwegian Business School (Oslo)

“Shaping people and business for an international, digital and sustainable future”. At BI Norwegian Business School, students, academics and business professionals co-create a more sustainable future. This is our mission.BI Norwegian Business School is an independent, not-for-profit foundation and the...
1 available

Dalarna University (Borlänge)

2 available
49 World Wide Ranking

Karolinska Institute (Stockholm)

As a university, KI is Sweden’s single largest centre of medical academic research and offers the country’s widest range of medical courses and programmes.
1 available

Kristianstad University (Kristianstad)

3 available
155 World Wide Ranking

KTH Royal Institute of Technology (Stockholm)

Since its founding in 1827, KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm has grown to become one of Europe’s leading technical and engineering universities, as well as a key centre of intellectual talent and innovation. We are Sweden’s largest technical...
2 available
251 - 300 World Wide Ranking

Linköping University (Linköping)

In close collaboration with the business world and society, Linköping University (LiU) conducts world-leading, boundary-crossing research in fields including materials science, IT and hearing. In the same spirit, the university offers many innovative educational programmes, many of them with a...
2 available

Linnaeus University (Växjö)

Linnaeus University in south-eastern Sweden is a modern, international university with the highest possible quality in education. Education that helps you to actually make a difference in the world we live in. Studying at Linnaeus University is to be in...
16 available

Luleå University of Technology (Luleå)

Luleå University of Technology is a global university, we attract students and researchers from all corners of the world. We are well known for our university culture that form close relations between students and faculty. Partnerships are formed with companies...
7 available
119 World Wide Ranking

Lund University (Lund)

In Lund, higher education has been taking place ever since the foundation of a studium generale in 1438, which trained future pastors. However, Lund University was not founded until 1666. It has evolved from just a few hundred students and...
15 available

Mälardalen University (Västerås)

Mälardalen University is Sweden’s largest university college and has campuses in Eskilstuna and Västerås. Around 20 000 students study courses and programmes in Design and Communication, Economics, Healthcare, Education, Engineering, Chamber Music and Opera.
4 available

Why apply with EDMUNDO?

Active Community

You will have access to the wider EDMUNDO community of young people who study abroad and this will allow you to find out detailed information about their international personal and academic experience and even make friends with your future university colleagues.

Personalized Counseling

Working with an EDMUNDO counsellor will enable you to find the programmes and universities that best match your academic and career objectives. Counsellors are equipped with comprehensive knowledge about the educational systems and are prepared to answer all of your questions.

Top Application File

EDMUNDO counsellors master all the information and the best practices needed to guide you and help you prepare a strong application file that will maximize your chances of being admitted to your chosen universities, while closely observing all requirements and deadlines.

Constant Support

Vei lucra cu un profesionist dedicat pe parcursul întregului proces de admitere la universitățile internaționale. Consilierul tău EDMUNDO va fi alături de tine din faza de cercetare universitară, îndrumându-te în depunerea cererilor complete și în timp util și sprijin constant în pașii următori.

Quick breakdown of costs for studying in

Average cost: per month
Average job income: per month
Accomodation range500€ - 700€
Other costs150€
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Why you should become an international student?

Profitable Investment

Studying abroad in a well-recognized university with academic programmes focusing primarily on practice and relevant industry partnerships will better prepare you to become a successful professional, all this translating into a positive return on your educational investment.

Unique Experience

As an international student in an international campus you will live memorable academic and life experiences. You will have around you students from all over the world, experiencing different cultures, exploring academic and career opportunities while also having tons of fun!

Personal Development

The application process, the academic experience, communicating in a foreign language with people from all over the world and managing your life in a foreign country will make you a well-rounded and responsible individual.

Quality Education

Top worldwide educational systems place a lot of emphasis on the employability of their graduates and student performance is their most important performance indicator. Therefore, universities are well equipped and teaching relies mainly on the application of knowledge.

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